Did you guys know that Pioglitazone (actos) if taken for long time can lead to baldder cancer?. New results published and recently quoted by FDA suggests so.
You can find some information about the same HERE.
This was also recently all over the news feed.
Imagine getting treated for diabetes and then getting afflicted with an entirely new pathology, it can be very distressing to one aflicted. Often having had chronic diseases would have made you poorer by several thousand dollars just because f healthcare dollars you spend. Despite all these concerns we see very little press is given to such a awefull bad side efect of a commonly used medication.
Fortunately legal help is available or those who are affected and affllicted. And initial consultation is even provided free of cost at certain reputed law firms.
Certainly the bladder cancer is not something you are thinking about when you are trying to control your diabetes. Would you have taken the medicine if you had known that this medication gave you bladder cancer while taking away some of your diabetes?. Would your doctor prescribe the medicine if he/she knew about this informaton?. Don't you think this information should be made available for everyone so that everyone is able to make informed decision?.
I have a strong opinion as to need for informed decision in any doctor-physician relationship. But when here is such paucity of information weather wilfully or not so wilfully it certainly baffles me.
I hope none of you have to go through this situation. but if you happen to be one of them then you can a least take hope in the fact that there is some great help available a hand.
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